Remove facial hair with the most effective Treatment

Facial skin is one the most sensitive parts of the body. Often it is observed that people are embarrassed because of the hairy mess on their face. The face depicts the personality of an individual, and everyone desires a clear, smooth, shiny hair-free skin.

To get smooth and hair-free skin on the face people often use the methods like threading, shaving, and waxing, but all these provide with temporary results only. Shaving may be feasible for body hair, but facial skin is very sensitive. Depending on the temporary methods for removing facial hair is not appropriate as this can destroy the texture of the skin.

People often suffer from skin infections, cuts, and irritation as they use temporary methods of hair removal. Many make-up products and bleaching agents are also available for women to hide the unwanted hair, but the results with these methods do not persist for long. An effective solution is laser hair removal in which with the help of different wavelengths of lasers, the unwanted facial hair is removed.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Delhi

Facial Laser hair removal is for both men & women

Laser hair removal is the most popular and effective procedure, which give one freedom from shaving, tweezing, and other temporary methods. Not only women but men too have taken the route to laser hair removal for their facial hair. Laser hair removal has quickly replaced ineffective methods of removing unwanted body hair. Dr. Nivedita Dadu’s Dermatology Clinic is equipped with world-class lasers, and a specialized team of skilled and certified technicians is employed to provide its patients with effective treatment for laser facial hair removal in Delhi.

Real Results by Dr. Nivedita Dadu
Women with hormonal imbalances or PCOD/PCOS often suffer from excess hair on the chin, jawline and cheeks. The hair is usually coarse and dense. Laser is suitable option along with the treatment for the underlying cause.

In men, laser beard shaping has become quite popular. Men love their beards and it’s a universal fact. But, keeping the beard groomed can be a real task. In such case, laser can help in defining the beard shape as the unruly hair can be eliminated permanently.

Facial hair removal procedure effectively removes the unwanted and excess hair of eyebrows, unibrow, sideburns, forehead, upper lips, cheeks, ear, and nose.

How does it work?
In the laser hair removal, a beam of highly concentrated light enters the hair follicle. The pigment present in the hair follicle absorbs the light hence hindering the growth of hair follicle. By just undergoing this simple procedure, one can achieve a beautiful hair-free face.

Benefits of laser hair removal

*The procedure is painless and provides with long-lasting results.
*This is safe even for the sensitive body parts.
*This procedure selectively targets dark hair and does not cause any type of damage to the surrounding areas.

Things to be considered before undergoing laser hair removal

*Avoid tweezing, waxing, epilating, plucking before undergoing laser hair removal procedure.
*One must avoid direct sun exposure for at least six weeks before the procedure.
*Products which can react on the skin must not be applied.
*Stop consuming anti-inflammatory drugs.
*If suffering from a skin infection, the procedure must not be performed.
*During pregnancy, one must not get this procedure done.

Certain things one must keep in mind post-procedure

*Avoid sun exposure.
*Apply sunscreen regularly.
*Exfoliating must be avoided.
*Shaving and waxing must be restricted.
*Don’t apply any make-up for a couple of days.

Laser facial hair removal is a safe way to get rid of unwanted facial hair. One must always consult a dermatologist before undergoing this procedure as it is essential to know the composition of the skin. Laser Facial Hair Removal Cost in Delhi depends on the type of the skin, target areas, sessions required, and the laser technologies involved. Dr. Nivedita Dadu’s Dermatology Clinic provides with a safe and cost-effective treatment for laser hair reduction.

To know more contact +91-9958573501, +91-9810939319, 

for any queries mail at

Clinic Address: Dr. Nivedita Dadu's Dermatology Clinic J-12/28, 1st Floor, Rajouri Garden New Delhi -110027, India


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